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Molise Kleinburg

Located on a former golf course adjacent to the Humber River Valley, our certified arborists, ecologists and landscape architects collaborated in-house to develop comprehensive ecological restoration and management strategies for natural features integrated throughout this new 95 hectare residential community.


Vaughan, Ontario


The wetland channel and amphibian pond component of the project was awarded the 2012 City of Vaughan Urban Design Environmental Green Award.

Located on a former golf course adjacent to the Humber River Valley, our certified arborists, ecologists and landscape architects collaborated with Beacon Environmental, SCS Consulting Group and Aqualogic Consulting to develop comprehensive ecological restoration and management strategies for natural features integrated throughout this new 95-hectare residential community. 

Former irrigation ponds were restored to a natural state by reestablishing a tributary of the Humber River. Naturalization included enhancement to aquatic, amphibian and breeding bird habitat through a series of low flow channels, vernal pools and wet meadows.

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