Hamilton Conservation Authority Areas EIS
Access to outdoor recreational spaces make important contributions to social well-being as well as physical and mental health.
As a link between the green space corridor along the Niagara Escarpment through the Hamilton urban area, and the extensive natural areas of the Dundas Valley; Spencer Gorge and Tiffany Falls Conservation Areas saw a significant increase in visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This increase in visitors has placed significant pressure on existing parking infrastructure within the conservation areas and local roads near these popular Earth Science Areas of Regional Significance.
Aboud & Associates was retained by the Hamilton Conservation Authority to complete scoped Environmental Impact Studies (also known as Environmental Impact Statements) as part of a feasibility study to review 3 sites for potential additional parking at Tews Falls, Artaban Road, and Lower Lions Club Road. Each site included consideration for aquatic habitat, hydrogeology, breeding birds, species at risk, vegetation community mapping, and botanical inventories.