Dixon Drive Extension & Multi-use Pathway - Fergus, ON
Our ecologists completed a scoped Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to characterize the existing natural features, map significant natural features, and identify potential constraints.
Aboud and Associates was retained by Triton Engineering Services Limited (Triton) on behalf of the Township of Centre Wellington to complete a Scoped Environmental Impact Study for a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA was completed to extend Dickson Drive to 1st line, and determine the best option to connect the Fergus Dog Park to the Elora-Cataract Trail.
Ecological Land Classification and Botanical Inventories (ELC and Vascular Plant List), Breeding Bird Surveys, Amphibian Breeding Surveys, and Significant Wildlife Habitat and Species at Risk Habitat Assessments were completed as part of the scope of work. The proposed site plan and four alternatives were assessed for their impacts to the natural features. Policy implications were assessed and comprehensive mitigation measures were recommended.es were recommended.
As a result of the information collected during our assessment, the extension and pathway were installed with minimal to no impact on the natural features. A balance between protecting natural features and meeting the recreational needs of the growing Fergus community was met.