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Developing defensible solutions that meet client needs and protection to natural features.



As Ecological Consultants we have decades of experience providing support to private and municipal projects, prior to or following disturbance. Our ecologists are experts in their fields using established field protocols and innovative mitigation methods. We apply our extensive ecology and policy knowledge to help our clients find a defensible solution that meets their needs while providing mitigation and protection to the surrounding natural features.


Peer Review & Due Diligence

Our breadth of consulting experience gives us the unique advantage of being able to critically analyze the work of our peers and review potential development sites for natural heritage constraints. We regularly peer review pre-consultation documents, mitigation plans, Scoped Environmental Impact Studies, severance plans, and monitoring reports for proposed developments. We are experienced in site screening and due diligence review of sites to determine if there are natural heritage constraints which may impact a proposed development before site plans are even developed.

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Wildlife Inventory & Habitat Assessment

Aboud & Associates’ Wildlife Ecologists have the knowledge and experience to identify wildlife and wildlife habitat, including candidate habitat for species at risk and significant wildlife habitat, and determine the appropriate preservation or mitigation techniques based on the project and client needs. Our experience includes, but is not limited to, seasonal inventories for; amphibians, birds, turtles, snakes and bats.


Regulatory Compliance & Permitting

Our team works with clients from the planning stage through to construction completion identifying and implementing the applicable regulations and policies. Applying for permits, ensuring regulatory compliance, and aiding in the completion of long-term monitoring requirements are just a few our the ways we guide our clients through the development process.


Botanical, Wetland, & Vegetation Community Assessment

Certified in Ecological Land Classification (ELC) and the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES), we are experienced in botanical inventories, long term monitoring, landscape connectivity assessment, wetland assessments for unevaluated wetlands and updating wetland boundary delineations. Our Ecologists are experienced in aerial photography interpretation of vegetation communities, using GIS and the classification of communities into the ELC system, at both small (site-level) and large (Regional) scales.

Ecologist taking a photo in a natural area.

Natural Heritage Evaluation & Environmental Assessment

Our experienced Ecologists have completed numerous Natural Heritage Evaluations (NHE), Natural Heritage Assessments (NHA), Natural Heritage Impact Impact Studies (NHIS) and other baseline studies of natural heritage features in municipalities across Southern Ontario under the Environmental Assessment (EA) process and within the Oak Ridges Moraine, Niagara Escarpment and the Ontario Greenbelt. These assessments include analysis of options, determination of significance and recommended mitigation.

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Species at Risk

In accordance with municipal, provincial, and federal regulations, our ecologists conduct Species at Risk Surveys, identify species at risk habitat, and provide sound mitigation, advice and avoidance measures to our clients. We are also experienced in the SAR permitting and Approval process, through both registration and permitting, with both the species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA).


Environmental Impact Studies & Environmental Impact Assessments

Aboud & Associates has completed numerous Environmental Impact Studies (EIS), also known as Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). Our expertise varies from small private development to large scale municipal infrastructure projects.


Fish Rescue & Aquatic Assessment

Our experienced aquatic ecologists have completed numerous fish habitat assessments, watercourse assessments and Fish Salvage and Relocations. We are certified in Headwater Drainage Feature Assessment, Backpack electrofishing and OBBN. We are well versed in the approval process for aquatic habitat, including obtaining required permits, such as the License to collect fish for scientific purposes process, and communicate regularly with DFO through the request for review process.


Aboud & Associates Inc. ©2001-2024