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Guelph Pedestrian Bridges

Completed Scoped Environmental Impact Studies to identify the constraints and impacts of three proposed pedestrian bridges, linking the City of Guelph's downtown to adjacent neighbourhoods.

Guelph Pedestrian Bridges

Guelph, Ontario


We worked with the City of Guelph & Grand River Conservation Authority to identify mitigation measures and strategies to enhance the surrounding natural communities.

Aboud & Associates teamed with lead consultant GM BluePlan Engineering to complete Scoped Environmental Impact Studies (also known as Environmental Impact Statements) for three proposed pedestrian bridges within the City of Guelph, one existing Norwich Street former vehicular bridge, noted to be in poor shape and two new pedestrian bridges to connect ‘the ward’ to downtown. Our ecologists and arborists conducted studies to assess the existing conditions of surrounding vegetation communities in accordance with Grand River Conservation Authority and City of Guelph natural heritage requirements.

As part of the EIS, alternatives for each bridge (repair, replace, remove or do nothing) and their anticipated impacts to the natural communities were analyzed. Mitigation measures were recommended in order to minimize negative impacts, and to enhance the surrounding natural communities. The potential alternatives were examined for compliance with the Grand River Conservation Authority’s Policies for the Administration of the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourse Regulation (Ont. Reg. 150/06), the Provincial Policy Statement, Fisheries Act and the policies of the City of Guelph.

Our Arborists, Ecologists and Landscape Architects are currently working with GM BluePlan Engineering to develop detailed tree inventory, management and restoration plans for the Norwich Street Bridge.

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