Cheltenham Badlands - Caledon, ON

Our landscape architects designed off-road parking lot configurations to accommodate this rapidly growing tourist destination.

The Cheltenham Badlands is a rare geographic landform along the Niagara Escarpment and is a designated Provincially Significant Earth Science Area of Natural and Scientific Interest. As a rapidly growing tourist destination, the surrounding rural roads do not provide safe or adequate parking opportunities. As part of a consulting team lead by Triton Engineering, Aboud & Associates liaised with a technical working group to develop and select preferred off-road parking lot configurations. The technical working group comprised representatives from; Region of Peel, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Credit Valley Conservation, Ontario Heritage Trust, Town of Caledon and Bruce Trails Association. 

Our ecologists and landscape architects collaborated with civil engineers to explore low impact development practices and developed biodiverse native vegetated filter strips to treat stormwater runoff from parking facilities; reducing impacts to the surrounding sensitive natural features and enhancing ecological functions.


Pineway Learning Commons


Meaford Public Library