City of Cambridge Forestry Services
Aboud & Associates works with the City of Cambridge to provide Forestry Technician and Forestry Administrator Consulting services under the direction of the Manager of Forestry and Horticulture.
City of Cambridge Forestry Services
Cambridge, Ontario
Aboud & Associates works with the City of Cambridge to provide Forestry Technician and Forestry Administrator Consulting services.
Under the direction of the Manger of Forestry and Horticulture, Aboud & Associates performs the roles of Forestry Technician and Forestry Administrator for the City of Cambridge. Our Arborists develop, implement and supervise municipal programs within the context of the City’s Urban Forest Plan. Aboud & Associates responds to public concerns about trees, performs inspections and makes appropriate management recommendations and work orders. As with many municipalities in Southern Ontario, this includes the management of Emerald Ash Borer. Aboud & Associates reviews Tree Management Plans, Compensation Plans and Street Tree Planting Plans as part of development applications in the City and performs Tree Risk Assessments and Value Appraisals on an ongoing basis.