White Oak Protection - Region of Halton, ON

We facilitated the protection of a 250-year-old heritage white oak during the widening of Bronte Road.

In 2001, when the construction of a Regional Operations Centre threatened the survival of a 250-year-old heritage White Oak tree, and also in 2011 when Bronte Road was widened, Aboud & Associates was solely retained by the Region of Halton to work on their behalf to ensure the tree was protected tree during construction. For the past 22 years, Aboud & Associates has assessed the tree for its condition, amount of growth, and signs of aging and prescribed specific treatments and maintenance, as needed. The tree is still healthy and sound to this day.

The 250-year-old heritage White Oak tree along Bronte Road.

Halton Hills Privately-Owned Tree Management Strategy


City of Cambridge Forestry Services