Jordan Widmaier

Aquatic Ecologist

B.Sc. (Honours - Marine and Freshwater Biology)

Jordan is an experienced aquatic ecologist with a strong background in fish community and habitat assessments, benthic macroinvertebrate studies, and headwater drainage feature evaluations. With over five years of consulting experience, he specializes in environmental impact assessments, permitting, and regulatory compliance for projects involving transportation, infrastructure, land development, and water resource management. Jordan is well-versed in Ontario’s fish and fish habitat legislation and has successfully led permitting processes for Species at Risk and Fisheries Act Authorizations. His expertise in environmental monitoring, construction review, and mitigation strategies ensures the protection of aquatic ecosystems while supporting sustainable development.

Jordan has extensive knowledge of and application of Survey Methodologies such as Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol, MTO/DFO/MNRF Fisheries Protocol, Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network, CVC/TRCA Headwater Drainage Feature Assessment Guidelines and Marsh Monitoring ProgramAmphibian Survey Protocols.
