Wilmot Tree Canopy Policy Framework

Our multi-disciplinary team of Arborists, Landscape Architects, and Ecologists characterized the canopy cover of the Township of Wilmot, prepared and summarized community engagement opportunities, and created a comprehensive policy framework for tree canopy management.

Addressing Urban Growth and Environmental Sustainability

The Township of Wilmot sought to enhance and increase its urban forest and green infrastructure, while balancing development needs.

Tree Canopy Analysis and Mapping

Aboud & Associates used advanced object-based image analysis (OBIA) and GIS mapping to assess tree cover and identify optimal planting locations on public lands. Aerial imagery analysis was conducted using spectral reflectance data to differentiate canopy and non-canopy areas. GIS-based assessments helped determine high-impact planting zones for urban forestry initiatives.

Community Engagement

Aboud & Associates created an online engagement plan to encourage involvement in the Township of Wilmot’s canopy cover and tree protection initiatives. Online surveys and individual stakeholder and community group interviews were completed and the results were analyzed by our multi-disciplinary team.

Our team developed a policy framework for tree canopy management and improvement on Township owned lands. The policy framework includes education and planting programs for current woodlots and along right-of-way, and provides asset management goals to ensure the future of Wilmot’s tree canopy continues to thrive. A comprehensive draft of the Wilmot Township Owned Tree Management Strategy was produced and includes  both short-term and long-term strategies to support Wilmot’s urban forestry initiatives.

Policy Framework Development


City of Burlington Arboriculture Services


Ajax Emerald Ash Borer Woodlot Inventory